Stop Censorship! movement draws attention to the restraint of democratic freedoms and actions in Ukraine

17 Серпня 2010

Stop Censorship! movement draws attention to the restraint of democratic freedoms and actions in Ukraine

Stop Censorship! movement draws attention to the restraint of democratic freedoms and  actions in Ukraine

Ukrainian Version 


Stop Censorship! movement draws attention of all the international journalists institutions and human rights organizations to the restraint of democratic freedoms development in Ukraine because of new government policy.


The movement reserves the right to encourage Ukrainian journalists to the nation-wide journalist strike.


The comprehensive announcement text is as follows


Stop Censorship! movement draws attention of all the international journalists institutions and human rights organizations to the restraint of democratic freedoms development in Ukraine because of new government policy.


Despite of numerous appeals of Ukrainian and international journalists organizations concerning violation of journalists rights and interference with their professional activity, Ukrainian government,t represented by the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, officially supporting freedom of speech in fact took a stand of disregarding journalists constitutional right for profession. The number of interference with journalists professional activity and censorship cases,  different kinds of pressure over certain journalists and creative teams is constantly increasing.


The situation with the freedom of speech in Ukraine seems especially dangerous on the background of force authorities pressure over channels TVI, Channel 5 and TRC Chornomorska, that are in danger of being closed.


Stop Censorship! movement reminds of recommendations concerning the present conflict of interest and impossibility of overlapping positions, taken by the head of Ukraine Security Service Valeriy Khoroshkovskyi in the power department and the largest media holding company that controls considerable part of TV broadcasting in Ukraine - those recommendations got from international journalist organization RSF, International Press Institute and other international institutions.


Stop Censorship! movement asks the International committee of  the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Monitoring Committee, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, foreign embassies, international journalists institutions  and human rights organizations to draw the attention of the President of Ukraine, as the guarantor of the Constitution, to the deterioration of the situation with the freedom of speech in Ukraine, and to bend every effort to provide decent conditions of work for mass-media in Ukraine based on noninterference of the state.


If those recommendations of international journalist organizations are not followed and international obligations of Ukraine in the field of free media protection are not carried out by the President of Ukraine, Stop Censorship! movement reserves the right to encourage Ukrainian journalists to the nation-wide journalist strike.



Stop Censorship! movement

Stop Censorship!  movement was created on  May 21, 2010. This is an informal group of journalists that appeared in answer to curbs on free speech in Ukraine.


This is the initiative of Ukrainian journalists and civic media organizations aimed at assertion of the freedom of speech, prevention of censorship establishing in Ukraine, making impossible interference in journalist professional activity and professional standards violation in terms of presentation of socio-political matters.


Stop Censorship! movement does not support any political force and has no financial backing from any political party.


To get more information or to join Stop Censorship! movement visit


You may follow Stop Censorship! movement blog and twitter



Artem Sokolenko

Stop Censorship!  movement press center coordinator

050 440 46 08

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