Donets fortress and elections focus

Donets fortress and elections focus

19 Жовтня 2014
19 Жовтня 2014

Donets fortress and elections focus

This is an analysis of important events shown in the final weekly news on channels "1 +1", "Inter", "Ukrayina», ICTV, and 5th Channel on October 5, 2014.
Donets fortress and elections focus
Donets fortress and elections focus

If you look at the final weekly news of all the channels on September, 28, there is something that can be seen with the naked eye: the theme of war in the East, and reports from the battlefield are slowly starting to fade. The newsrooms try to combine the main points of conflict into the general picture. Videos from the East are focused on social issues mostly.

 On one hand, it was the result of the unstable truce, and on the other, there were many more important events that took place during the week such as detention of “Aydar” fighters, escape of Berkut officer Sadovnik, completion of candidates’ registration for the elections, cold weather, and demolition of Lenin monument in Kharkiv.


Still, all channels except 5th Channel aired news about elections only in the middle of the programs although they had no reasons for such delays.


Main news topics as shown in weekly programs:




5th Channel and “Ukrayina” did not air it


Donetsk airport is probably one of the most intense points on the war map in Ukraine. Every day, there are reports of assaults and fake messages about airport’s surrender.


Information about the situation at the airport is the first on "1 +1". It was aired as a live of journalist Oleksandr Zahorodnyi from the East. This news was reposted by many informational portals although it does not present any actual information.


 "Oleksandr Zahorodnyi, correspondent: “The battle lasted the whole day. Terrorists are already on the territory of the airport, and they even managed to show off about it on the Internet bragging about “cleaning out” this important object while, in fact, it’s not true. Our cyborgs continue to hold this strategic object and even conduct counterattacks, but it is very difficult for them"


It is not clear from the text what information is being denied by Zahorodnyi: whether it is news about capturing some airport building by separatists, or news about “cleaning out”.


In addition, the information about partial surrender of the object is different from the official statements of ATO Headquarters. This statement says that Ukraine’s forces fully control the airport. Thus, if it is not true, the journalist should refer to his source of information.


During his live, reporter uses two questionable terms regarding the parties of the conflict: "terrorists" and "our cyborgs." The latter is a mem that recently appeared in Ukrainian media. This mem indicates the representatives of Ukrainian army who do not give up the strategic units and fight like robots. Allegedly, the separatists gave them this name. However, there are very few chances that Ukrainian soldiers are actually called that. Information sites refer this word to Internet. The primary source that states that Ukrainian soldiers are called "cyborgs" is an unknown blogger.


Reporter connected the information about the airport with the situation in Debalcevo near which, there are also ongoing battles. Thus, these two points on the war map are being brought together.


Airport was once again mentioned in the middle of the news program.  In the studio, Alla Mazur spoke with Oleksandr Motornyi who presented an exclusive material on Donetsk airport in the previous program.


Before journalist appeared in the studio, Alla Mazur announced his visit using mem “cyborg” once again. She characterized one side of the war as "enemies." Although it is not clear for whom they are enemies because the groups that attack the airport are not controlled by DNR. The anchor praises another side calling it "legendary”.


 "Alla Mazur, the anchor: Well, this is our colleague Oleksandr Motornyi who has repeatedly seen the bullets in ATO zone. During his last task, he literally was on the verge of life and death. He is the only Ukrainian journalist who could get into hell of Donetsk airport and saw firsthand the legendary Ukrainian fighters, whose enemies called them "cyborgs" because they were invincible. But Sasha goes to the studio with an unpleasant surprise"


Motornyi came with an element of body armor that had to protect the soldiers’ neck. However, according to the journalist, these elements were sham and did not provide soldiers with any safety. Motornyi added that soldiers in Donetsk airport had the same body armors, and they were dying because of these fakes.


 "Oleksandr Motornyi, TSN correspondent: I will say very briefly that it was a gift of our soldiers, or as you said, cyborgs. Guys who fight there from May are saying that they had a lot of wounded soldiers, and one of the officers got killed because of a fatal wound in the neck when a splinter pierced this protective plate”.


This news instantly spread throughout Ukrainian informational websites. However, it is unclear: if such a problem existed, why didn’t journalist speak about it in his exclusive material from Donetsk airport on September, 28?


One more channel that spoke about airport situation on October, 5, was ICTV.


 Oksana Sokolova’s newsroom also decided to present information about Donetsk airport as an overview of the hottest spots in the East of Ukraine.


In the beginning, Oksana Sokolova talks about battles; and this information could rightfully become hot news. According to her, Russia wants to exchange the airport for the area around Mariupol, where there are businesses of Akhmetov and Taruta. When saying this, the anchor refers to her own sources. She has a right to do so, but such data is a serious information bomb, and it is worth at least hinting where the source comes from so that the viewer has more reasons to trust it. Moreover, in the context of specific references to the names of the oligarchs, this information is doubtful.


When speaking about different sides of the conflict, the anchor is calm and objective, unlike the journalist who prepared the material.  


"Oleksandr Vishin, correspondent: While Ukrainian and Russian military were drawing maps and determining the boundaries of so-called buffer zone in Donbas, the militants attacked and fired not only at the positions of Ukrainian military, but also peaceful neighbourhoods of Donetsk and other cities. Experts estimated that militants have already broken the truce over 1000 times. The fiercest fighting took place for Donetsk airport. It is Ukrainian fortress on the outskirts of Donetsk. 5 months in a row, our soldiers defend the airport that was freed from the militants in May. Here are Kirovohrad special forces, 93rd Mechanized Brigade, and 79th airborne and volunteer units. Currently, they hold on under heavy fire of Russian “Grad” systems, howitzers, tanks and mortars. Time after time, there are assaults carried out by elite Russian special forces. For being so unbreakable, terrorists called airport defenders “cyborgs”. Every day, separatists lose hundreds and accuse their commanders in betraying them. At the same time, Russian media do not hide the fact that the so-called DNR soldiers shoot not only from residential areas, but directly from the apartments. They shoot with large-calibre artillery, and that is an absolute violation of Minsk agreements. It’s hard to overemphasize the meaning of the airport for both sides. In case separatists win it, they would be able to get aircrafts with reinforcement here. For Ukrainians, losing airport would mean a loss and another painful failure”.


Twice, the author does not indicate the sources of information regarding the number of violations of the ceasefire and that "so-called DNR soldiers shoot not only from residential areas, but directly from the apartments”.


In the video, Vizhin uses Dmytro Tymchuk’s comments twice titrating him as a military expert. Although right now he is #13 in the list of candidates from "Narodnyi Front".


Then, similarly to Oksana Sokolova, the journalist talks about secret agreements about exchanging the airport for the territory near Mariupol where Taruta’s businesses are, although he does not mention Akhmetov. Moreover, the journalist refers not to his own sources, as does Sokolova in the beginning, but to the information in the media without specifying the name of the publication, channel, or radio. Interestingly, at the end of the narration, Vizhin notes that this information was later denied. In this case, it is not clear who did it – the media or officials who commented the video. If it was done by the media, then it is unclear why the reporter even talked about secret agreements similarly to the anchor since they are not a priori true.


 "Oleksandr Vishin, reporter: Meanwhile, there was news in the media that the airport may be given to the terrorists...Perhaps, in exchange for Novoazovsk or some other area. This possibility is confirmed by Donetsk Governor Serhiy Taruta. However, later, this information was described as taken out of context and denied.

Andriy Lysenko, a spokesman for the Information and Analytical Center of the National Security Council:  Information about exchanging some areas is distorted and taken out of context.”


“Podrobnosti niedieli” on “Inter” decided to put the topic of Donetsk airport as the second one. They also connected with the journalist on the East.


Iryna Bahlay tells the latest news from the airport. "Inter" is the only channel that provides viewers with information about militants violating the truce as not being controlled by DNR. But Iryna Bahlay does not tell where she has this information from. In addition, she presents information from social networks about the death of the leader of one of these groups named Motorola. However, it is impossible to verify this news.


"Iryna Bahlay, correspondent: Yes, Dima, today the militants renewed assaults on the airport in Donetsk. At five o'clock in the morning, they began their first tank attack. At noon, ATO forces, as reported in the headquarters, announced the "silent mode". And just twenty minutes after that, DNR artillery hit Donetsk airport. After shelling, tanks moved. Our soldiers repelled both attacks. There were no casualties on the Ukrainian side. Old airport terminal is practically destroyed. We know that several gangs are attacking this sector at the same time. One of them is headed by a man called Motorola. Yesterday late at night, social networks had information that this guy is dead. He was killed during one of the assaults on ATO positions. His group alongside “Oplot”, Chekh’s and Mozhovoy, ’s gangs, and Stakhanov Cossacks are the third force that is not controlled by the self-proclaimed leaders of the LNR and DNR.


Vlad Seleznyov, press officer of ATO Headquarters: The Third Force includes uncontrolled armed groups. They are the ones firing at Ukrainian military positions. They are the ones shooting at those places where there are civilians. During a day, there were more than twenty attacks on Ukrainian military positions. We continue to work in order to provide everything needed to neutralize those uncontrolled armed groups. "





“Inter” did not air this topic.


September, 30, was a time peak for the elections process. On Tuesday, CEC finished registering candidates. However, channels almost ignored this information and kept on analyzing candidates and parties without any real system. 


"Chas. Pidsymky Tyzhnia" on 5th Channel continues to be the most balanced and objective. The journalists put elections first in the news. The anchor Vitaliy Haydukevych sets the tone immediately. He hints that the times have changed, but CEC’s approach toward the elections didn’t.


In the video, journalist Nataliya Tarasovska focuses on CEC’s prejudiced attitudes toward particular candidates during registration.


"Nataliya Tarasovska, correspondent: Here it is – candidates’ Mecca. Three-week pilgrimage to this place has ended with registration of 6500 applicants for the dreamed seat. But strangely, some people are met almost with honors while for the others, the doors are shut. There were over 8 hundred refusals to register candidates. Pavlo Danylchuk applied in district in Volyn region. He did not write his cell phone number in the questionnaire. The committee took his documents, but refused to register”.


In order to balance the video, journalist talks about the registration of Victor Pylypyshyn who did not apply on time but was registered anyways thanks to CEC’s "special procedure" initiated by the Head of the Commission.


Journalist also pays attention to other absurdities of registration process; for instance, when there were two candidates who lived outside of Ukraine for two last years. Still, CEC and the court had different opinions on registering such candidates.


 "Nataliya Tarasovska, correspondent:CEC approaches registration of political immigrants in a strange way. Commission members did not see any obstacles to register Valeriy Horoshkovskyi. But they saw the obstacles while registering a former Prosecutor General Svyatoslav Piskun and millionaire Oleksandr Onyshchenko; hence, they rejected both.  In the court, all of them demonstrated documents from hospitals, working places and seemingly important assignments that required traveling. "


However, the author then gives comments only of representatives of the plaintiffs for Horoshkovskyi and Onyshchenko. She does not present any direct speech of Onyshchenko or Horoshkovskyi. 


"Nataliya Tarasovska, correspondent: Because of faults in the law, metamorphoses keep happening. For instance, Lyashko’s party chose Artem Saputotskyi as its #5 during party gathering, but then, it registered Yuriy Shukhevych for that position”.


Tarasovska also criticizes pro-government parties for giving up some districts in favor of stronger candidates from other parties.


Nataliya Tarasovska, correspondent: Experts notices tricks in the coordination of the candidates meaning hidden agreements. In a dozen of districts, ruling parties put frankly weak candidates or did not even put anyone. By a strange coincidence, many powerful but dubious figures of previous power generation are running on the same districts. Thus, Serhiy Kluyev feels almost like a deputy right now since neither “Petro Poroskenko’s Bloc”, nor Tymoshenko’s party or “Narodnyi Front” put their candidates on his district in Artemivsk.

Olha Ayvazovska, coordinator of election programs of NGO "Opora": "Any hidden agreements about who will be nominated or not to a specific district between the main political players is a kind of violation of free elections standards because people may be left without a choice on elections day.”


"1 +1" presented Serhiy Shvets’ video about the differences between the major political players in the elections. However, there manipulations in the material because of subjective judgments.


In the beginning, the journalist says that one of the intrigues of this campaign is the presence ofthree ruling parties that are separated and agreed not to criticize each other. To confirm this, he presents a comment of President Poroshenko.


 “Serhiy Shvets, correspondent: Indian summer distracts Ukrainians from thinking about parliamentary elections. But they should think about it since there is a huge intrigue. Political partners "Petro Poroshenko’s Bloc”, “Narodnyi Front”, and “Batkivshchyna” participate in the elections separately and do not criticize each other.

Petro Poroshenko, the President of Ukraine: "I would really like for us to be able to avoid internal conflicts and struggles during the elections campaign since nothing should separate us; we have to unite in order not to open internal front and create powerful pro-European and pro-Ukrainian majority. You will not hear a critical word from me”.


It was wrong to include direct speech of the President since formally, he is not a member of the party and is not listed; therefore, he could not comment on the election tactics. Even if Poroshenko had jurisdiction to do so, it does not mean that the other two mentioned political forces chose the same approach. After all, are no commentaries supporting it.


 Then, the journalist analyzes the programs of the ruling parties and provides commentaries of their representatives and political analysts.


 After that, there is a general analysis of other parties and commentary of a representative of only one of them such as “Sylna Ukrayina”. Overall, Serhiy Shvets permanently uses subjective judgments and draws conclusions for the audience. However, the pro-government forces get much more time in the video than the other parties, and there is negative connotation while speaking of “Opposition Bloc” and no description of its program.


Here are some quotes from the material of Serhiy Shvets:


“Let’s take "Petro Poroshenko’s Bloc”, the favorite in elections process. Its program is careful and sober, as it was expected from the ruling party of the President of all Ukrainians ";

"A female warrior on the first position is organic for the party whose program is openly militant" (“Batkivshchyna"); 


“It’s important to say that the programs of each of the 29 parties in the elections have a problem in common: it is impossible to determine how they would achieve the high goals they set";

 “Radicals from “Pravyi Sector” to outright revanchists in “Opposition bloc” also expect success”.

 However, the main highlight of current elections is so-called "Opposition Bloc" that is a golden reservation of politicians of Yanukovych’s period. It turns out that these people did not run anywhere and now, try... in fact, it is difficult to understand what they are trying to do";

 Some parties can be considered as new players. In particular – “Hromadyanska pozytsiya" of Anatoliy Hrytsenko. This party really focuses on civil liberties ".

ICTV’s Volodymyr Sokolov talks about elections through a prism of “people’s lustration" since he mentions several cases where politicians were thrown into the trash. However, although he identifies those who attacked the head of Irpin Territorial Election Committee (“Lyashko’s radicals”), he does not identify those who attacked Shufrych and calls them “activists”.


The author connects “people’s lustration” with closed party lists, citing "experts." But how is the head of Irpin Territorial Election Committee connected to the changes in the laws? The list itself is on the public domain - at the CEC website.


 “Volodymyr Sokolov, correspondent: The Minister of Inferior Affair condemned the incident. The president instructed law enforcement agencies to find the guilty ones. The experts named closed electoral lists one of the reasons for such drastic actions.

Vadym Karasyov, political scientist: "Again relatives, again children, again clans and secrecy.... This jeopardizes the credibility of the elections as well as their legitimacy and democracy. How can you hold elections with violence taking place? "


 However, the author is positive that the elections will take place anyway, although no one can say for sure especially in case of Donbas.


 “Volodymyr Sokolov, correspondent: Yet, elections will take place, even in Donbas where there are more than 500 candidates, and many of them run on areas controlled by separatists...Even Donetsk governor Serhiy Taruta runs in these elections. He used to be against them, but now, he is excited about parliamentary innovations”.

Serhiy Taruta, Chairman of Donetsk Regional State Administration, and the candidate for deputy’s position: “We have to create another parliament, more efficient and more transparent, that will be oriented on a particular resident, not on well-being of the deputy”.


 Then, Sokolov selectively talks about particular districts and candidates who will participate in elections on a majority vote system. Among the large number of candidates, the journalist presents only two comments of Mykhaylo Havrylik and Serhiy Poyarkov.


After that, Sokolov talks about multimember district through which, according to the survey of "Ukrainian Sociological Service", 5 or 6 parties will get into the parliament. But then, the journalist adds that “Sylna Ukrayina” can also get into parliament and ignores the fact that “Samopomich” has the same chances (reference to this news is here).


            Unlike other channels, “Ukrayina” did not go into deep analytics. The anchor Oleh Panyuta cited data from sociological survey conducted by KMIC alongside fund “Democratic Initiatives”, and also, the results of “Sotsis” research.


At the same time, the anchor makes a correct remark that currently, almost half of the Ukrainians did not decide for whom to vote so the results may be different.


The anchor also gives data from “Sotsis” survey, but it is too old since it was published on September, 15, and the questionnaire took place from 5th until 1oth of September.





Waiting for the cold winter and batteries is a topic that united all the channels this time. However, different newsrooms focused on different issues that could affect Ukrainians this year.


"1+1" started this topic in the middle of the program. Alla Mazur spoke with Vice Prime Minister Volodymyr Hroysman about gas supplies to Ukraine. The official said that the Cabinet of Ministers was working over supply through reverse, but they were ready for anything. This is another news of "1 +1" that was spread throughout many informational sites.


 "Volodymyr Hroysman, Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine: Now, we are working in crisis energy headquarters with our American and Canadian partners. There are several scenarios for the situation with different consequences in the future, but we will be ready for this and will do everything to prevent any shocking occurrences in Ukraine. "


            At the end of the program, there are two more videos connected to winter. The first is by Tetyana Kovalenko who tries to analyze first official forecast, and then, the national signs to figure out what kind of weather will be like in winter.


However, one of the voice-over pieces practically ruins all of the journalist’s work since no one can give accurate predictions.


"Tetyana Kovalenko, correspondent: None of the scientists has an exact answer because sudden changes in winter depend not only on the side of atmospheric fronts, but on the heat that comes from the Earth, and cold that comes from the sky.

Vazira Martazinova, professor, head of climate research department of Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute: The cold air falls from above in the same area, and that’s why we have such a sudden weather change and cold coming.”


Next, there is another "winter" video by Yuliya Dyachuk who wants to answer the question on how you can keep warm in a cold apartment. Journalists emphasizes on energy-saving technologies.


Similarly to Alla Mazur, “Inter’s” anchor, Dmytro Anopchenko, talked about upcoming winter with...Vice Prime Minister Volodymyr Hroysman.


However, the range of issues is broader this time. Men discuss the heating season on the occupied territories, and they talk about fuel supply in general. While speaking, Hroysman mentions anti-crisis headquarters, but reveals some details.


"Volodymyr Hroysman, Vice Prime Minister: There are anti-crisis headquarters that are working with our colleagues from the United States; there are also the best Ukrainian experts in the fields of energy and power. Also, there are Canadian experts.”


“Ukrayina" focused on the problem with warm clothes supply for the Ukrainian soldiers who already feel uncomfortable due to cold nights.


Journalist Serhiy Ivanov created a video similar to the ones made by his colleagues from other channels. He checked on practice what Ukrainian soldiers wore and found out how involved the state and volunteers were in supplying soldiers with warm clothes.


In his video, the journalist uses comment of Oleksiy Mochanov and presents him as a volunteer. But Mochanov is also №3 in the list of the party "Ukrayina – yedyna krayina". So, his involvement in the video can be regarded as a hidden advertising.


ICTV used Poroshenko’s visit to the army site in Zhytomyr region as a push for the news. The President said that by October, 10, the army had to be prepared for winter.

"Oksana Sokolova, anchor: There is a hope that the information about the real situation on the front line reached the President. This week, Poroshenko instructed to warm the army immediately. He visited the ground near Zhytomyr where 240th training centre of the 8th Unit of Army Corps is based. There, he was shown the real field military town... And the President said that the key task was to make sure that soldiers had winter clothing. This should be done before 10th of October without any bureaucratic procedures.

            5th channel focused on the topic of saving.


"Correspondent: A resident of Ladyzhin decides the weather in his house himself. A man stopped using gas completely and installed boiler that runs on coal. All he needs is two buckets, and that’s enough warmth for half the day.


At the same time, Poroshenko’s channel criticizes the government because it is impossible to get a credit for energy-saving technology although Prime Minister Yatseniuk spoke about giving big sums of money for that.


“Correspondent: The closer the heating season, the hotter statements can be heard in the government. Prime Minister Yatsenyuk announced that 500 million Hryvnia where given so people could stop using gas completely and started using alternative sources of energy. 50 million have to be used as loans to those who want to purchase energy-efficient boilers. But credit program, advertised by the government, is not working yet. "Chas. Pidsumky" saw that people didn’t even know about it.

“Employee at “Oshchadbank”: You have to contact “Kyivenerho” first.

Correspondent: Why is that? I was told that credits would be given in “Oshadbank”.

“Employee at “Oshchadbank”: This is the first time I hear such information”.





The previous week, on Sunday night in Kharkiv, pro-Ukrainian activists demolished a statue of Lenin. Many channels did not inform about it right away. Only on "Inter”, Dmytro Anopchenko mentioned the event while reporting about Kharkiv news. During the analyzed week, several channels made separate materials about “Lenin Falling” in Kharkiv. “1+1” was among them. In her material, journalist Alina Tsybova said nothing about clashes between supporters and opponents of the monument demolition when pro-Ukrainian activists beat several people with other political views. At the end of the video, the author did not say who put a cross on Lenin’s place. However, in ICTV’s material, Kateryna Pavlovska provides people with information about clashes.


Last week, two channels (ICTV and "Ukrayina") focused on an interesting topic such as world oil prices. "Fakty Tyzhnya" looked on world stopping Russian aggression from a different angle.


"Mykhaylo Malyi, correspondent: It seems that the United States did use the most effective weapon against the Kremlin. Talks with Saudi Arabia and the lifting of the embargo on Iranian oil gave their results. Production also grows in Libya that is controlled by the US. Then, there is Iran that will be free from embargo soon. The Russian government develops shock scenario in case oil costs $ 60 a barrel. "


Interestingly, if we analyze the statistics of the prices of one of the most famous oil brands, its price began to fall rapidly from 16th of June. Then, it cost $ 116 per barrel. Now, it is below $90.


Oleh Panyuta from "Ukrayina” also talks about harms the falling oil prices will bring to Russian economy. And he even compares this situation with the one that was in the Soviet Union.


"Oleh Panyuta, anchor:  There is no oil shortage on the world market, and therefore, the price will keep on falling. Analytics believe that it will be a serious blow for the Russian economy; the country's budget for 2014 was created having $ 114 price per barrel, and now, the Russian government has to look for alternative sources to fill the treasury and to cut social programs. In the mid-eighties, a similar situation has led to an economic crisis in the Soviet Union. But Ukrainian experts believe that it is too early to bury Russia yet since its economy will be falling for a long time. "


            However, unlike “Fakty", "Sobytiya niedieli" indicate that decline of prices will not help Ukraine.


"Oleh Panyuta, anchor: Petrol has to get cheaper in Ukraine and in the rest of the world. But instead, its price is growing steadily. In late February, 95th petrol’s average price was around 11 Hryvnia 30 coins. In April, it was almost 14 Hryvnia. In August, 16 Hryvnia. Now, it has increased 77 coins more. Experts explain that it is a result of fast devaluation of Hryvnia”.


Materials with features of hidden political advertising:


 “TSN. Tyzhden”

one ("Three weeks left before the parliamentary elections in Ukraine ");


«Podrobnosti niedieli»

one ("Yuliya Tymoshenko met PACE President");


«Fakty tyzhnya»

two ("Indestructible, invincible Donetsk airport", and "About the latest news from the campaign front");


 «Chas. Pidsymky Tyzhnia»



 «Sobytiya niedieli»

two (“Passions around wintering of Ukrainian army run high for a long time”,  and "Ukraine experiences a surge of street violence with political overtones ").


Interviews with politicians (Including the ones in the studio):


«TSN», «1+1»:

– Volodymyr Hroysman, Vice Prime Minister (“Petro Poroshenko’s Bloc”).


«Podrobnosti niedieli»», «Inter»:

– Boryslav Bereza («Pravyi Sector»);

– Oleh Lyashko (Oleh Lyashko’s Radical Party);

–Volodymyr Hroysman, Vice Prime Minister (“Petro Poroshenko’s Bloc”);

– Oleksandr Vilkul (“Opposition Bloc”);

– Yuriy Lutsenko (“Petro Poroshenko’s Bloc”);

– Andriy Senchenko (“Batkivshchyna”);

– Svitlana Fabrykant (“Sylna Ukrayina”);

– Oleh Tyahnybok (“Svoboda”);

– Anatoliy Hrytsenko (“Hromadyanska Pozytsiya”;

– Yuriy Boyko (“Opposition Bloc”);

– Vitaliy Chudnovskyi (“Batkivshchyna”);


«Fakty tyzhnya», ICTV:

– Valeriy Khoroshkovskyi (“Sylna Ukrayina”);

– Vadym Rabynovych (“Opposition Bloc”);


«Sobytiya niedieli», «Ukrayina”:

– Yuliya Tymoshenko (“Batkivshchyna”);

– Yuriy Lutsenko (“Petro Poroshenko’s Bloc”);

– Nestor Shufrych (“Opposition Bloc”).


Full list of news in the programs:


"1 +1", "TSN.  Tyzhden"(airs at 19:30)


"Shelling of our troops and residential areas in the front line of Donbas did not stop for the entire week."

"Bloody beginning of the school year in the East."

"Near Mariupol, Ukrainian intelligence officers found accumulation of military equipment of Russian Armed Forces."

"The boundary between the territories."

"Suspicions and problems that accompany the work of the OSCE in Ukraine."

 "The biggest statue of Lenin in Ukraine continued the chain of Lenin’s falls."

"Anton Davydchenko is an active Facebook supporter of the restoration of the monument to the Soviet leader."

"In Kyiv, Pechersk District Court heard the case of two soldiers of “Aydar” battalion.

"President demands closing of all of the local checkpoints on the border with Russia."

"Reforms will not remain on paper."

"Lustration will be."

"They came back alive."

"Guest of the studio is Oleksandr Motornyi, TSN correspondent.

"Another complex front has already come close to Ukraine; it’s atmospheric front."

"There will be no warmth, but we won’t freeze either."

"Forecasters hope the upcoming winter in Ukraine will not be abnormally cold, but it will be cold inside the houses”.

“Three weeks left before the parliamentary elections in Ukraine”

"On the day when Viktor Yanukovych ran, these people had to feel happy because they paid for this with their own freedom, but they are still in prison."

"Hong Kong is protesting."

"According to the press centre of the anti-terrorist operation, in Mariupol, from the territory that is now controlled by militants, continuous shootings from tanks began."

"Announcement of the program ‘Braveheart ".



«Inter», «Podrobnosti niedieli»(airs at 20:00)


 "Guests of the studio are Boryslav Bereza, “Pravyi Sector”, Tymur Agimov, soldier of the disbanded unit "Berkut”.

"How was a day in ATO zone."

"Information war began against the battalion “Aydar."

"The history of 51th Mechanized Brigade."

"Guest of the Studio is Oleh Lyashko, Oleh Lyashko’s Radical Party."

"Those who ran away from war started to return to Donbas."

"What should be done for the people at the occupied territories."

"Guest of the studio is Volodymyr Hroysman, Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine."

"Guest of the studio is Oleksandr Vilkul, "Opposition Bloc "."

"On the line with the studio is Lech Walesa, the leader of the independence movement" Solidarity ", the President of Poland (1990-1995)."

 “Those who survived the war are learning how to live with post-Donbas syndrome."


ICTV. «Fakty tyzhnya z Oksanoyu Sokolovoyu” (airs at 18:45)


“Indestructible, invincible Donetsk airport".

"Borders of ATO zone. ICTV ».

"Saudi Arabia became a new player that can push Russia toward peace."

"Black Wednesday for Donetsk."

"In Donbas, more and more mass graves are found."

"Mostly volunteers are engaged in tracing missing people."

"This week, Poroshenko instructed to insulate the army immediately."

"Also this week, Petro Poroshenko announced changes that will take place among army leaders".

"The self-proclaimed republics of DNR and LNR are preparing for the elections."

"Guest in the studio is Valeriy Khoroshkovskyi, #2 of “Sylna Ukrayina”.

“On the last news of the elections fronts."

"Guest in the studio is Vadym Rabynovych, #4 of “Opposition Bloc”.

"About Lenin statue in Kharkiv."



«Chas. Pidsymky Tyzhnia» (airs at 21:00)


"Ukrainian Elections."

"People's anger."

"During the heating season, people rely on themselves."

"There are no experts who know how to save a soldier in the field under the bullets."

"Losses in ATO zone."



«Ukrayina”, «Sobytiya niedieli» (airs at 19:00)


"This week, the President focused on the state of the security forces."

“Passions around wintering of Ukrainian army run high for a long time”

"Guest in the studio is Yuliya Tymoshenko, the leader of “Batkivshchyna”."

 "Ukraine experiences a surge of street violence with political overtones ".

"Interview with Nestor Shufrych, a member of “Opposition Bloc "."

"The data of sociological surveys about possible results of the parliamentary elections."

"Interview with Yuriy Lutsenko, leader of "Petro Poroshenko’s Bloc”.

"Oil is getting cheaper fast."

"Another humanitarian aid of Rynat Akhmetov."

"Ukraine participates in round table in Austria."

"Doctors in ​​ATO zone."

"Teacher's Day".


Monitoring of compliance with professional standards in the information services of Ukrainian TV channels was carried by NGO "Telekritika" with financial support by USAID, provided through the "Internews Network". The purpose of monitoring is to increase media literacy of Ukrainian society, motivate media to be just and responsible, respect professional standards, and improve the quality of media products.


Monitoring is an independent expert assessment of the NGO "Telekritika." All conclusions and opinions expressed in all monitoring publications may not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the "Internews Network".



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Команда «Детектора медіа» понад 20 років виконує роль watchdog'a українських медіа. Ми аналізуємо якість контенту і спонукаємо медіагравців дотримуватися професійних та етичних стандартів. Щоб інформація, яку отримуєте ви, була правдивою та повною.

До 22-річчя з дня народження видання ми відновлюємо нашу Спільноту! Це коло активних людей, які хочуть та можуть фінансово підтримати наше видання, долучитися до генерування спільних ідей та отримувати більше ексклюзивної інформації про стан справ в українських медіа.

Мабуть, ще ніколи якісна журналістика не була такою важливою, як сьогодні.
У зв'язку зі зміною назви громадської організації «Телекритика» на «Детектор медіа» в 2016 році, в архівних матеріалах сайтів, видавцем яких є організація, назва також змінена
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