Ukrainian War Journalist Releases ‘Reporter Volkovsky’, A Story Of Lives Impacted By The Ukrainian – Russian War

Ukrainian War Journalist Releases ‘Reporter Volkovsky’, A Story Of Lives Impacted By The Ukrainian – Russian War

3 Лютого 2023

Ukrainian War Journalist Releases ‘Reporter Volkovsky’, A Story Of Lives Impacted By The Ukrainian – Russian War

Yuriy Lukanov is a Ukrainian journalist from in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Ukrainian War Journalist Releases ‘Reporter Volkovsky’, A Story Of Lives Impacted By The Ukrainian – Russian War
Ukrainian War Journalist Releases ‘Reporter Volkovsky’, A Story Of Lives Impacted By The Ukrainian – Russian War

Conroe, TX – With his latest book, Reporter Volkovsky, author Yuriy Lukanov paints a dramatic adventure between two protagonists searching for painful answers within a raging war. With its merciless and cynical hand, the war not only divided life into “before” and “after”, but also shattered the former familiar ideas and relationships between people. The story sets off when one of the protagonists, Serhiy Sukhobokov, finds out that his wife, Lisa, has become involved in the pro-Russia movement, and tragically falls because of it. On one hand, Serhiy hates her, on the other hand, he continues to love her. These mutually exclusive feelings resonate painfully in his heart. Their daughter is torn between mom and dad.

Yuriy Lukanov is a Ukrainian journalist from in Kyiv, Ukraine. Не has been a journalist for over four decades during which he has published thousands of articles, investigative reports, and human rights investigations in Ukrainian and international media, including United Press International,The Financial Times, and The Atlantic Council of the US. “Reporter Volkovsky” is his first novel, which attempts to tell the story of the war using his unique humor and insight.

“Yuriy Lukanov managed to convey the tragedy of this war, telling about its nature and keeping the a light-hearted approach at the same time”. – Piotr Andrusieczko, Polish Journalist of the Year (2014).

“I am not a literary critic, but I know something about Russian terrorists, war and occupation. Yuriy Lukanov has described the “DPR” concentration camp as accurately as if he was there himself, his description reflects the reality, which I personally observed for 48 days in the “DPR” concentration camp in summer 2014, almost documentarily. Along with fictional but very typical characters, everything written by Yuriy may seem absurd to the readers, yet the reality is no less absurd itself.” Dmytro Potekhin, Ukrainian activist, CEO, and former Russian prisoner.

Yuriy Lukanov aims to help amplify the voices of the Ukrainian people, who have similar stories in real life such as the one Yuriy Lukanov depicts in Reporter Volkovsky.

The book is currently available on Amazon and is published by Defiance Press.

About Yuriy Lukanov

Yuriy Lukanov is a Ukrainian journalist from in Kyiv, Ukraine. Не has been a journalist for over four decades during which he has published thousands of articles, investigative reports, and human rights investigations in Ukrainian and international media, including United Press International,The Financial Times, and The Atlantic Council of the US. “Reporter Volkovsky” is his first novel, which attempts to tell the story of the war using his unique humor and insight.

About Defiance Press

Defiance Press & Publishing is committed to promoting high-quality and thought-provoking books to readers by partnering with outstanding authors and thought-leaders in politics, fiction, business, children’s, and non-fiction genres via alternative and traditional book distribution methods. Defiance imprints include Keynote Books (business & entrepreneurship), Bluebonnet Kids (children’s), and Nicholson Books (romance & all other genres). Defiance Press was founded by David Thomas Roberts.

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