Mysterious third power. Who is breaking the peace?

Dismissal of Minister of Defense Vitaliy Heletey could become the top news in the programs if it did not happen one-two hours before they actually started. Still, newsrooms organized themselves and did share this information. Some just read it, and some even managed to discuss the President’s decision with experts in the studio.
At the same time, the previous week had many socio-political and military events. So newsmakers had a long list of news to choose from in order to show them to the viewers.
All weekly news show an interesting trend: in comparison to previous weeks, newsrooms minimized paid news.
The main news topics as shown by weekly programs:
5th channel did not air it
Did or didn’t separatists agree with Ukrainian authorities about completing the demarcation of influential spheres on the map? Completion of the buffer zone was the main topic about war in the East during this week. Although last week, only some channels hinted that there was a mythical "third party" breaking peace agreement and causing a conflict, this week, journalists spoke about it as a fact. Still, no one really knows what this “third power” is. The majority of newsrooms talks about the division using Poroshenko’s statement that conflict will end in the near future.
"Fakty Tyzhnya» on ICTV aired a material about buffer zone first. The journalist begins with information about continuing attacks on Ukrainian military position. Then, reporter focuses on the statement of the self-proclaimed prime minister of "DNR" Oleksandr Zaharchenko about signing a new agreement with the Ukrainian authorities.
"Myroslav Hanushchak, correspondent: So-called Prime Minister of DNR Oleksandr Zakharchenko added fuel to the fire. He said that separatists signed an agreement with Ukraine and finally drew the boundaries of the buffer zone. They will supposedly appear on the front line that was formed on September 19.
Oleksandr Zakharchenko, self-appointed Prime Minister of the self-proclaimed "DNR": We have obtained Maryanka, Pervomaysk, and Pisky; and we also got two villages near Mariupol, and did not give up a single piece of land."
Although Ministry of Defense denied giving up some territories, the journalist quoted other officials speaking about another agreement according to which, army withdrawal will take place only after 5 days without shooting.
"Myroslav Hanushchak, correspondent: Today, the National Security Council stated that the boundaries of the buffer zone will be determined only after 5 days without shooting. Then, machine removal from both sides will begin.
Oleksandr Rozmaznin, Deputy Director of the Armed Forces Command Centre: Groups that work on our side have to see that machines both from our and their sides are leaving. We cannot take our machines while their machines remain. We can only do it at the same time”.
The journalist partly mentions the participation of the "third force" that constantly breaks the ceasefire, but it is not clear who this third force is. Then, he concludes that the Prime Minister of DNR Oleksandr Zakharchenko does not control the "third force":
"Myroslav Hanushchak, correspondent:Near Mariupol, the Commission did not see any violations of ceasefire despite the fact that there were shootings. So who is shooting then? Some third party, I am told.
Oleksandr Tiuleniev, Observers-Officers Team Leader: You see, we have our own channels through which we check who shoots. And the people who signed the agreement here say that these are not their shooters. There is a fact of a third party being involved.
The author links previous comments with the statement by Poroshenko who says that the fate of peace will be decided this week:
"Petro Poroshenko, President of Ukraine: Next week will be decisive for the fate of peace. It seems that we have agreed about everything with the Russians. The next week will show how sincere these agreements are. "
Newsroom of “TSN. Tyzhden” on "1+1" followed similar scenario. The material about dividing the spheres of influence is first.
In the previous news program, journalist Oleksiy Bobrovnikov did a material about the line that would divide Ukraine and the self-proclaimed republics. The material was based on the working version of demarcation that was marked on the map. The reporter spotted it in one of the rooms with Ukrainian and Russian negotiators.
This time, the material is based on more open results of the agreements; and the border is slightly different from the previous one.
"Oleksiy Bobrovnikov, TSN correspondent: Ceasefire. Demarcation map. A week ago, we have already seen its first draft. And to this day, we were trying to understand what was behind the dividing lines. Here they are. Until recently, the National Security Council denied the existence of these documents, but we got access to them. On Friday night, three conflicting parties signed the truce document. According to our sources, General Domanskyi signed the document on Ukraine’s behalf, General Lientsov - on Russia’s behalf, and self-proclaimed Zakharenko did it on behalf of DNR”.
Then, Oleksiy Bobrovnikov focuses on the violations of ceasefire agreement:
"Oleksiy Bobrovnikov, TSN correspondent: This week, we have been in several places of so-called ceasefire, and everywhere, we have seen the same thing.
Soldier: They are strengthening their positions. There, they also have a camp. They constantly move and shoot, and we also record the movement of equipment”.
"1+1" is probably the only channel that showed some statistics of shooting from both sides during ceasefire period. According to the stats, for every five shots from separatists, there is one shot of Ukrainian army.
"Oleksiy Bobrovnikov, TSN correspondent: Members of Ceasefire Observation Mission show us the graphs of shootings from both sides. Ukrainians reply only to every 5th shot from the terrorists. This is documented in the presence of members of Russian mission.
Russian soldier: Together, yes. We analyze information and data and create the graph together”.
Once again, journalist Andriy Tsapliyenko mentioned the topic of the “third force”. The author names the units that are not controlled by DNR. However, he does it without any references or direct quotes to support his statement.
"Andriy Tsapliyenko, TSN correspondent: These separatists appeared in the summer. Some immediately separated from central terrorist group. Pavlo Driomov organized his own kingdom in LNR. Driomov, classical chief of murky times, seized power in Stakhanov. Leader and his supporters were called "Makhno", and their depressive mining town got a name of "New Huliaypole." 500 hundred Driomov’s soldiers wore kubanka hats and declared themselves Cossacks. This is what democracy looks like in Stakhanov...DNR itself also suffers from separatism. Horlivka’s “master” Ihor Bezler fought with Donetks and organized a checkpoint system in the city. Besides Driomov and Bezler, there are around ten leaders of powerful gangs on Donbas, and they are not controlled by central power.
Later, using the statements of Ukrainian soldiers, Andriy Tsapliyenko concludes that the "third force" is Russian military. But he doesn’t have enough evidence for such serious charges. Soldiers on a particular position said that the men in Russian uniform and chevrons were shooting at them. However, there was no camouflage left to show and support journalist’s conclusion.
"Andriy Tsapliyenko, TSN correspondent: So, it turns out that the third force is the Russians themselves. Before our arrival to the front, a group of saboteurs who provoked fire from Ukrainian position was destroyed.
Vysota, commander of the 25th battalion of territorial defense: Group was over there, in that direction, wearing Russian uniforms. They were mortars. We found and attacked them. Russian uniforms, Russian chevrons. "
Viewers don’t really get a clear answer about the identity of the "third party", and whether it is Russian military or separate groups from DNR and LNR.
"Inter" also focused on ATO. However, "Podrobnosti Niedieli" got away without using any plot. Instead, they shared insider information that was impossible to check. They stated that Russian MID was killing the “third force” for not wanting peace.
"Dmytro Anopchenko, host: Peace that can finally become reality is the main topic now. Well, judge for yourself – today, Vladimir Putin ordered withdrawal of Russian troops. Formally, it sounds like: complete the training in Rostov region and return the units to the places of their permanent deployment. President Poroshenko also made it clear that for the first time since the conflict began, it was possible to have an agreement with Kremlin. On next Thursday, the two presidents will meet in Milan. Poroshenko stated that it looked like we agreed about everything with Russians. Still, how sincere are these agreements? But now, according to our exclusive information received from the sources in the security agencies, MID units started eliminating those opposing peaceful solution to the conflict. "
Overall, the main emphasis “Inter” makes is on Russian reaction over withdrawal of its troops from studies in Rostov region. Correspondent on the East talks about the situation on the border and presents two comments of opposition politician Mykhaylo Kasyanov and journalist Yuliya Latynina.
"Yuliya Latynina, a columnist for “Novaya Gazeta": After Kremlin could not win Mariupol, it became clear that Ukraine’s conquest required too many graves in Russia and, more importantly, even sharper reaction on the West. This is the reaction level Putin cannot allow, and everything else is just a slow crawling back and transformation of the situation into the Cold War; it’s an attempt to purchase deputies, create local Hamas around Luhansk whose only reason to exist would be to harm Ukraine.
Mikhail Kasyanov, co-chairman of "RPR-Parnas": We need to see what will happen in 3-4 days, whether the Ukrainian side, NATO and OSCE give any data, and whether there is a real withdrawal of troops, or is it just demonstrative act to show goodwill or good intentions with which Putin will go to Milan to meet with Poroshenko and discuss gas problems. "
The journalist partly balances these opinions citing federal media and pro-government environment of Putin.
"Putin’s favorite political analyst Sergei Markov recently said that it was, quote, “A huge desire for peace from Moscow’s side”. State Duma’s deputy Pushkov said almost the same thing. I will quote his Twitter post. He says that "This is a signal to Kyiv and the West that Russia does not want war." Putin’s radical supporters reacted to it and said they sensed “betrayal”.
"Sobitiya niedieli" on “Ukrayina” also put this news on the first place, but unlike other channels, they give minimum details. Oleh Panyuta reads the information, and then, there is a commentary by press-officer Seleznyov. The host does not speak about details of the agreements. He focuses on Russia withdrawing its troops, talks about shootings at Ukrainian positions, and hints about uncontrolled “gangs”.
"Oleh Panyuta, host: Russian army leaves our territory. Putin’s press-secretary Dmitriy Peskov informed Russia’s Minister of Defense about it. Officially, the return of almost 18 thousand Russian troops to the places of their permanent deployment Kremlin shyly called “the end of trainings at Rostov region”. One of the leaders of Russian opposition, politician Boris Nemtsov commented on this step saying: "Putin closed the project "New Russia." The results are terrifying." Still, it is too early to conclude anything for the Ukrainian army since separatists keep on shooting at them. At the same time, separatists weakened their positions in the hottest spots of Debalcevo, Shchastya, Avdiyivka, and Donetsk airport. According to ATO press-centre, Ukrainian troops follow peace agreements, but, despite contact group’s work that included OSCE’s, Russia’s and self-proclaimed republics’ representatives, it was not possible to stop uncontrolled gangs.
Vladislav Selezniov, spokesman at ATO headquarters: I know that before we spend a day without shooting, it will be impossible to talk about the second phase of this plan such as withdrawal of heavy artillery on a particular area. "
“Inter” didn’t air it
As elections approach, the channels keep on analyzing this year's campaign. However, this week did not have any bright events or facts, and since everybody already knows the candidates, the newsrooms focused on other related topics.
ICTV aired Volodymyr Sokolov’s material that showed certain trends of parliamentary campaign without logics behind the selection of the heroes it presented.
In the beginning, Sokolov points out that the closer election day is, the more there are "prohibited technologies and inappropriate performances at the election districts." Next, the journalist talks about the fight of “Pravyi Sector” fighters, and, using this information, makes a conclusion that it is the only way to beat the competitor Volodymyr Yavorivskyi although 213th District has as much as 18 candidates.
"Volodymyr Sokolov, correspondent: The closer it is to October 26, the greater is the amount of folklore in elections districts, and the more there are prohibited technologies and inappropriate performances. Like it or not, but traditional agitation methods are not always effective when you want to win in the district with 20 or even 30 rivals. Therefore, the candidates started to use even volunteer battalions for the campaign”.
This is how Boryslav Bereza alongside “Pravyi Sector” and police declared a war against one-handed gangsters on Troyeshchyna because how else can you win in the district of the writer Volodymyr Yavorivskyi who have won the elections several times.
Boryslav Bereza, the candidate: I haven’t seen such a show even in Las Vegas casinos. There will be no criminal zones on Troyeshchyna. Every day, people ask to close casinos and stashes.”
It’s hard to determine from the video whether actions of “Pravyi Sector” are either a prohibited technology or inappropriate show. The author continues his selective analysis of some of the bright candidates and their ways to agitate. For instance, Alina Hrosu sings to advertise her mother, singers Poplavskyi and Bilozir use their singing to agitate for themselves, and poet Yuriy Rybchynskyi reads poetry.
Once again, Volodymyr Sokolov points out that the military can be strong competitors this year because of the events in Eastern Ukraine. Then, he mentions the district with the largest number of "dark horses" and counts them. He also talks about “people's lustration."
The author names sociology as one of this year's dirty tricks. As an example, he talks about “Svoboda”. During the last elections, all the surveys did not predict it could pass the barrier, but it did gain more than 5%. Still, the author does nothing to show that this technology is still present in current elections. As the only “confirmation”, he presents the commentary of Oleh Tyahnybok, the leader of “Svoboda”.
Then, Volodymyr Sokolov talks about "Sylna Ukraine". The tone of the material indicates that it is paid information. For instance, the journalist does not analyze and summarize other parties’ programs, but he does so with “Sylna Ukrayina”. In addition, he presents the “ideological” principles of Tihipko’s party from positive and one-sided perspective. He also presents two comments by party’s leader Serhiy Tihipko:
“Volodymyr Sokolov, correspondent: The closer it is to the voting, the more power “Sylna Ukrayina” gets. Serhiy Tihipko’s party focused not on military rhetoric and popular warriors, but on saving the industry and theses people understand well: when the plants work, people have jobs and salaries. When there is a war, “strong” Ukrainians show up, and it’s important to improve the economy first that will help supporting the army. This is what the party’s leader talked during his visits to plants in Kyiv and Odesa regions.
Serhiy Tihipko, the leader of the party "Sylna Ukrayina": Various branches collapse one after another. Today, I talked to people in winemaking industry. This sphere is dying. The same happens in chemical branch.
Volodymyr Sokolov, correspondent: Serhiy Tihipko named one of the recent government’s decisions a devastating blow against the chemical industry. On October 1, the Cabinet of Ministers prohibited Ukrainian plants that produced mineral fertilizers to sell natural gas. Because of this, even Odesa Port Plant, the strategically important company, is on the verge of collapse.
Serhiy Tihipko, the leader of the party "Sylna Ukrayina": “This will lead to the fact that four plants will collapse, and now, they have thirty thousand workers.”
Finally, the author presents the survey results. He does not indicate who conducted the polls and what parties are to be in parliament according to the surveys. This is a huge violation of the standard presentation of sociological data.
"Volodymyr Sokolov, correspondent: Meanwhile, according to the latest polls, six parties will get into new Verkhovna Rada. The elections are in two weeks.
"TSN. Tyzhden" talks about elections at the end of the news program. The anchor Alla Mazur summarizes the results of recent surveys conducted by "Social Monitoring" centre and GFK Ukraine. The survey done by "Social Monitoring" is almost repetitive to the parties’ rates in the previous polls. The quality and trustworthiness of GFK are doubtful. The technology used by this company is practically identical to the one of "Social Monitoring", but the results are different.
"Alla Mazur, hostess: Before the parliamentary elections, sociologists predict who will come to power in Ukraine. From September 30 to October 7, "Social Monitoring" centre surveyed about 2,000 people throughout Ukraine, except for the occupied territories, to see what political parties may overcome the 5% barrier. Those who already decided showed such results. There are three leaders. “Petro Poroshenko’s Bloc” may get almost 40% of respondents. Then, there goes Lyashko and his radicals. He has a little over 11%. “Narodnyi Front” of Yatseniuk and Turchynov may get around 10.5%. “Batkivshchyna” is predicted to get twice less, around 6%. “Svoboda”, Hrytsenko’s “Hromadyanska Pozytsiya” and Tihipko’s “Sylna Ukrayina” may overcome 5% barrier. “Opposition Bloc” has good chances to get 5% although now, its votes are lower. “Samopomich” also has good chances to get into parliament. We also have another recent poll by GFK Ukraine. It was conducted from September 24 to October 5 of this year. Geography is the same, and the number of respondents is 2000, too. Still, the picture of political likes is strikingly different. “Petro Poroshenko’s Bloc” leads here, too, but its results are lower, just under 30%. “Batkivshchyna” is second with slightly less than 9%. Then, almost together, there are Lyashko, Hrytsenko, and “Narodnyi Front”. But sociologists agree that voter turnout is expected to be high. Still, there are many people who are undecided. There are more than 5% of them. "
Thus, unlike all other polls, GFK Ukraine’s version places “Batkivshchyna” on the second place, and puts “Narodnyi Front” on the last one.
According to the company's website, "the survey was conducted by GfK Ukraine for the Foundation “Vidkryta Polityka". Its head is Ihor Zhdanov, political analyst. Now, he is a member of “Batkivshchyna”. Hence, the results of this poll are very questionable, but the viewers of “1+1” did not hear it.
Although "Podrobnosti niedieli” omitted elections in the news program, their guests in the studio used every given opportunity to agitate. Pro-government candidates excitingly shared the plans for the future, and the opposition did the same while criticizing the current government.
5th Channel had two pre-election materials.
First, Oleksiy Bratushchak analyzed the possible elections on the freed areas of Donbas, and whether people changed their electoral views.
At the beginning, he divides the candidates into “good” and “evil”; and this is manipulation in some ways. The first category includes pro-Ukrainian politicians, and the second one includes those who used to be elected here before.
Oleksiy Bratushchak, correspondent: On October 26, the East will have not mere elections. It will be a kind of referendum. People will be electing deputies and the development direction for the whole region. And Ukraine will finally hear the true voice of Donbas and see if people there want to live with the old deputies under the old rules, or whether they want to live in pro-Ukrainian environment of united Ukraine. Kramatorsk. The city is filled with billboards of a candidate B. This is Serhiy, he is a son of Yanukovych’s long-term ally, Anatoliy Blyzniuk. Picky voters noticed “Azarov’s language” in candidate’s slogans. The candidate from Party of Regions refused to talk with 5th Channel and said he has some family business. And this is how Blyzniuk-junior refused an interview with Donetsk Civil TV.
Anatoliy Blyzniuk, the candidate: I won’t give you an interview. But I really want to put you down. I just don’t know who will do it better.
With this approach, the author analyses electoral race in two Eastern cities only – in Slovyansk and Kramatorsk. 'k. Both current and former Party of Regions deputies are presented from unpleasant sides.
"Oleksiy Bratushchak, correspondent: And this is Blyzniuk’s business partner. Now, Maksym Yefimov is probably the main competitor of the former colleague. He left “Regions” in August. He says that the party did not do anything for Kramatorsk, so people find themselves deceived.
Reporter: Why didn’t you indicate in your biography that you were a member of Party of Regions?
Maksym Yefimov, the candidate: Did I have to? I used to be a pioneer, too, so I decided to leave out my party experience. "
Journalist presents the situation in Slovyansk from bipolar perspective.
"Oleksiy Bratushchak, correspondent: People came to the office of the fund “Way of Life”. It is headed by Korolevska’s husband. Together, the couple gives out so-called help. Voters do not consider it bribery. "
Another video is Azad Safarov’s experiment of bribing voters. In the material, the author shows that vote-buying technologies have not changed.
"Dmytro, Head of Admissions office of the candidate Vadym Stolara: We wanted to present little gifts to children, but it is considered bribing voters.
Iryna Konstankevych, the candidate: "I don’t want my actions to be interpreted as bribery of voters."
Azad Safarov, correspondent: These are the candidates. They care about election laws and break them right away. One of the candidates helps the students.
Iryna Konstankevych, the candidate: There are certificates with 1000 Hryvnia scholarships for students”.
At the same time, the reporter does not focus on past or present political affiliations of the candidates. Although in most cases Safarov talks about former Party of Regionss’ deputies such as Khomutynnik, Kivalov and others, he also criticizes dishonest pro-presidential candidates and specifies their political affiliation.
"Azad Safarov, correspondent: No fear, no doubt. Oleksandr Volkov of presidential bloc puts his photos on the buses and drives people in Zaporizzhya for free. The police noticed the violations, but did not stop the buses”.
The experiments go on. In one of the towns near Kyiv, fictional candidate “Michael Jackson” gives away fictional certificates for 1000 hryvnia.
The material in “Sobitiya Niedili” is probably one of the most professional videos in the program from the start of the elections campaign although it still has significant flaws.
Nataliya Kravchenko begins her video by analyzing possible variations in the future parliament.
"Nataliya Kravchenko, correspond: <...> Scheme #1 - victorious: Petro Poroshenko’s Bloc brings around two hundred deputies into Rada. There will also be around thirty loyal deputies among independent candidates. Then, the majority will do without coalition with its competitors.
Taras Berezovets, political consultant: Yuriy Lutsenko may become a speaker in such a scenario...Volodymyr Hroysman is Candidate #1 for Prime Minister. Now, he is a man who has serious image problems because people do not know him, and he generally does not have a reputation ".
Also, the journalist tries to analyze what opposition may be like:
"Nataliya Kravchenko, correspondent: The many-headed opposition will be formed only if parties that are predicted less than 5% barrier pass the voting barrier and get into parliament. "
By saying this, Nataliya Kravchenko does not operate with data of any survey. Moreover, all recent surveys indicate that Oleh Lyashko’s Radical Party will get into parliament, but the reporter does not even mention this political force.
By the end of her video, Nataliya Kravchenko, using predictions of generalized "political scientists", says that the new Parliament will not last for long:
"Nataliya Kravchenko, correspondent: If the war enters a new phase, and Ukraine will not be shaken by the social disasters, the new parliament will last for maximum of two years, political experts say. But if there will be social catastrophes, the parliament will not last for a half a year.”
5th Channel and “Ukrayina” did not air it.
New bills in anti-corruption package were another top-news covered almost by all the channels. Although it was unclear on October 12 whether this topic deserved such attention since after the second reading, documents may change, and their focus will be completely different. In addition, it is unknown whether the deputies will vote for this package before the elections.
ICTV presented an analysis of the draft. The journalist stated that the voting took place under public pressure as well as pressure from the speaker Oleksandr Turchynov:
"Oleksandr Vizhin, correspondent: Anticorruption under pressure from the people and tomatoes.
Man: Today, we brought 200 kilograms of rotten tomatoes.
Oleksandr Vizhin, correspondent: This is to make deputies vote on a package of anti-corruption reforms they ignored before.
Oleksandra Ustynova, activist in Center of Resisting Corruption: We brought tomatoes to pressure morals of the deputies so they understand that people are willing, that people have come to the edge, and that they are ready to throw tomatoes and bring garbage here.
Oleksandr Vizhin, correspondent: Meanwhile, the situation in the session hall does not inspire optimism. First registration showed that only 232 deputies were present. Complete communist faction ignored the anti-corruption session. Less than a third of “PR” deputies showed up. Thus, a speaker threatened to publish the voting results in the parliamentary newspaper. "
The correspondent did not mention that the ex-majority was the least eager to vote. Then, he shows Nestor Shufrych’s commentary who "swears" that he always voted for anti-corruption laws:
“Nestor Shufrych, deputy: I voted for all anti-corruption laws. And I am already tired voting for this one. "
There is another doubtful comment in the video. This time, journalist shows political analyst Volodymyr Fesenko. The latter takes on a role of sociologist and talks about social expectations:
"Volodymyr Fesenko, political analyst: Let’s be honest: society wants to see many important people punished for their corrupt acts."
Other comments in the video are justified. In addition, the reporter uses opinions of experts in legislative reforms.
In his material on “TSN. TYshden”, Serhiy Shvets presents information in an objective way and analyses the consequences of final adoption of the documents. The appearance of almost all speakers is justified, except for one - Yehor Soboliev. He comments the video twice while talking about the adoption of the Anticorruption package as a chairman of Lustration Committee.
"Yehor Soboliev, chairman of Lustration Committee: I am very excited about the idea to reveal the information who opens all of these houses, apartments, and cars; it is so-called opening of registers. It will help us to lustrate. We even had programmers from Dnipropetrovsk telling us: “You open information, and we will create free programs that will build complete lists on every corrupt judge and his business empire and so on”.
Yehor Soboliev, chairman of Lustration Committee: We shouldn’t think that after passing anticorruption or lustration laws, we will immediately get clean government, and there will be no corruption; it's only a weapon.
It’s important to add that now, Yehor Soboliev is a candidate from the political party “Samopomich”.
Host Dmytro Anopchenko (“Inter”) goes ahead of the events when presenting anti-corruption bills as such that will take effect soon. But, again, these documents only passed first reading, and the host himself said about it:
“Dmytro Anopchenko, host: Verkhovna Rada voted for 5 bills. Ukraine will have the anti-corruption bureau, the public access to the property registry, control of officials’ incomes and expenses, and mandatory declaration of jewelry and financial assets. So far, all these bills have been voted in the first reading. In general, deputies passed a law on absentee property confiscation from sponsors of terrorism. Voting went hard, our parliamentary correspondents say. They saw with their own eyes that there were very few deputies in the hall. Speaker Turchynov even had to intimidate deputies by threatening to publish who voted and when. Before the elections, it can really damage the political reputation. So in the end, the bills collected the needed votes. "
Then, Dmytro Onopchenko goes on to focus on Poroshenko signing a law "On cleaning up officials". Olena Mekhanik dedicated her material completely to this event.
This week, “Fakty tyzhnya” finally stopped using war materials for popularizing military experts who are running for the Parliament such as Dmytro Tymchuk.
However, ICTV continues to use every opportunity to advertise Leonid Kuchma, father-in law of channel’s owner. For instance, in "Hot topics of the week" (interestingly, this rubric appears at the end of the news program), the channel presents "protocol" information about Kuchma meeting with Kazakhstan President, Nazarbayev:
"Serhiy Smalchuk, correspondent: Kazakhstan’s humanitarian aid may come to Ukraine soon alongside aids from various European countries. Nursultan Nazarbayev assured Ukraine’s second president and his longtime friend of this during a meeting in Astana.
Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of Kazakhstan: We worked together a lot and never had problems in relations.
Serhiy Smalchuk, correspondent: Leonid Kuchma arrived to Astana as a member of the tripartite negotiating team to resolve the situation in the Ukrainian East.
Leonid Kuchma, President of Ukraine (1994-2004): We really need support now, especially from the country like Kazakhstan and the President like Nazarbaev. "
The channel also talks about efforts of the National Bank Chairman, Valeriya Hontarieva, to buy two hundred dollars which is a challenge for ordinary people. Hontarieva had the same problems. She said she could not buy dollars in "Sberbank", and that is an example of anti-advertising because the problem with buying is common not only in this particular bank.
“Serhiy Smalchuk, correspondent: In quest for dollars, National Bank Chairman decided to personally refute all allegations about lack of American money in banks and currency exchange; and she went to inspect city’s financial institutions accompanied by journalists. Her purpose was to buy $200. This is the limit National Bank put on the sale of foreign currency to stop the mass buying of "green money."
Valeriya Hontarieva, National Bank Chairman: We are in “Sberbank Rossiyi ".
Who would have thought a year ago that birthday of latent aggressor Vladimir Putin will attract the attention of almost all the weekly news of popular channels, including "TSN. Tyzhden”. The newsroom focused on negative aspects of his ruling without talking about the positives. The hostess Alla Mazur calls Russia a "zombie country." Otherwise, she says, the president would never get such support. The material on celebrating Putin’s birthday in Russia can be put in books on propaganda theory.
"Marharyta Sytnyk, correspondent: The Putin’s cult has reached its climax on his birthday. Loving Russian president now is a patriotic duty, not loving is betrayal, and Putin has entered every house. He is on television, on dolls, summer T-shirts with Putin were replaced with autumn hoodies. The only thing missing is quilted jackets. The most passionate patriots seek Putin’s divine origin. Collective farm was given his name, and there are plans to perpetuate him in stone."
Immediately after this material, "TSN. Tyzhden" presents information that Putin is seriously ill, and Ukrainian (?!) astrologers (?!) predict him rather negative prospects because of war in Ukraine (and why after the war in Ukraine, not in Georgia or Moldova, when Transnistria separated?):
"Vlad Ross, astrologer: Fall will be very difficult for him, to the point that his closest allies may try to get rid of him."
Alla Mazur says that an attack is being prepared against Putin and refers to Daily Mail although this newspaper is far from standards of professional journalism, and its information, as well as any other "yellow press", should be carefully checked before sharing.
However, it was not enough, and "TSN. Tyzhden "decided to intimidate people with another threat that supposedly can come from Russia - Ebola virus. This is also an allusion that Russia threatens Ukraine with a virus.
"Alla Mazur, hostess: Ebola virus is the only thing for the planet more dangerous than Putin; this is what Barack Obama said from the UN rostrum. World leaders equalize this disease to the Russian aggression and global terrorism. The doctors already call Ebola the most serious threat after AIDS; this terrible virus that killed thousands in Africa came to Europe, and even during this month, it may be get close to us arriving to Russia. Kateryna Fedorchenko tried to find what the world could put against this bloody disease”.
However, saying that the virus is more dangerous than Putin’s aggression is the interpretation of the hostess. For instance, Washington Post publishes that Obama equalized these threats.
Among good news, “TSN.Tyzhden” had an exclusive material from Donetsk airport this week. Oleksandr Zahorodnyi made a material from one of the hottest spots on ATO map without operator.
Oleh Lyasko appears on "Inter" on a regular basis. Besides commenting all of the political events, he also shows up twice in the materials. At first, he comments the project “Stina”; and at the end of the program, the host interviewed him live. They discussed everything they could from the dollar to the economy and the parasite (this is the name Lyashko used to refer to Tihipko).
However, decrease of paid news in “Podrobnosti niedili” can be explained with an interesting tendency: manipulation and hidden advertising does not take place in recorded materials, but live, when the studio guests are mainly politicians who comment on a particular situation while trying to agitate for their political force.
5th Channel chose Ilovaysk tragedy’s investigation as top news. Almost all other channels ignored this news although the “pot” was among one of the most important war events.
Another topic “Chas. Pidsymky tyzhnya” focused on was no punishment for overclocking Euromaidan, kidnapping and murder of activists, and stamping protocols against Avtomaidan activists. The latest example of impunity is Sadosvnik’s disappearance. He as a member of Berkut was suspected in the shootings on February, 20, and escaped from home arrest.
“Ukrayina” aired its news program on unusual time - at 23:00, and that, in fact, explains how newsroom managed to react to top-news about Heletey’s dismissal and present it in the beginning of the program.
This program, however, was a little short and lasted 30 minutes because another program – “Velykyi futbol” – was about to begin. Still, it did not stop journalists from advertising the company that belongs to channel’s owner.
"Oleg Panyuta, host: The heating season is another concern for the government. There is a threatening situation in thermal power plants because of catastrophic lack of coal, said CEO of DTEK company Maksym Tymchenko. The company can no longer supply coal to energy market in advance. Although power plants that use so-called gas coal were able to get fuel, the amount of anthracite that is being produced only on the territories involved in ATO is ending. We can import it either from very distant countries such Australia or South Africa, or from Russia. But the government allocated only half the required amount of money for that.
Maksym Tymchenko, DTEK's CEO: Now is the time of decision making. And these solutions are needed urgently. Remains of coal on stations that use anthracite - DTEK stations - allow accumulating from 10 to 20 days depending on the station. I think we still have a chance to get and bring this coal. Physically bring! You know perfectly well then when we import from Russia, for instance, the coal comes from Kuzbass. Delivery time is up to a month, and when severe frosts come, we won’t be able to bring such amount of coal to Ukraine.”
Materials with hidden political advertising features:
"TSN. Tyzhden": 1 -"Lustration Sieve"
"Podrobnosti Niedieli": -
"Fakty Tyzhnya": 1. "The police promises to punish parliamentary candidates who buy votes of their voters, said Advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Herashchenko"
"Chas. Pudsumky tyzhnya": -
"Sobitiya Niedieli": -
Interviews with politicians (including the ones in the studio):
"TSN", "1 +1":
- Pavlo Petrenko, the Minister of Justice ("Narodnyi Front");
"Podrobnosti Niedieli", "Inter":
- Yuriy Lutsenko (“Petro Poroshenko’s Bloc”);
- Yuriy Hrymchak (“Petro Poroshenko’s Bloc”);
- Nestor Shufrych ("Opposition Bloc");
- Vadym Rabynovych ("Opposition block");
- Valeriy Khoroshkovskyi ("Sylna Ukrayina");
- Serhiy Tihipko ("Sylna Ukrayina");
- Olena Bilozerska ("Pravyi Sector");
- Oleh Lyashko (Oleh Lyashko’s Radical Party) - twice;
- Yuliya Tymoshenko ("Batkivshchyna");
- Ruslan Koshulynskyi ("Svoboda");
- Anatoliy Hrytsenko ("Hromadyanska Pozytsiya") - twice;
- Oleksandr Kikhtenko, Chairman of Donetsk Regional State Administration ("Syla i chest").
"Fakty tyzhnya”, ICTV:
- Volodymyr Hroysman, Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine (“Petro Poroshenko’s Bloc”);
- Yuliya Tymoshenko ("Batkivshchyna");
- Nestor Shufrych ("Opposition Bloc").
"Sobitiya Niedieli", "Ukrayina":
- Anatoliy Hrytsenko ("Hromadyanska Pozytsiya")
- Oleh Lyashko (Oleh Lyashko’s Radical Party).
ICTV. «Fakty tyzhnya z Oksanoyu Sokolovoyu” (airs at 18:45)
"New intrigue around the war on Donbas."
"The latest news from the East."
"Guest of the studio is Volodymyr Hroysman, Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine."
"In six months, Ukraine can create an army not weaker than the Belarusian or German."
"Officials will fall under the anti-corruption laws, if Parliament approves them completely."
"Guest of the studio is Yuliya Tymoshenko, the leader of "Baktivshchyna."
"The scandal of the week: former squadron’s commander of “Berkut ", a suspect in the shooting of protesters on Maidan, escaped from custody."
"The police promises to punish parliamentary candidates who buy votes of their voters, said Advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Herashchenko"
"Guest of the studio is one of the leader’s of “Oppositional Bloc” Nestor Shufrych."
"Topics that were discussed this week."
"In Russia, the key issue today is mad celebration of Putin's birthday."
"1 +1", "TSN. Tyzhden"(airs at 19:30)
"Buffer zone".
"The Meeting of the Presidents"
"President’s position."
"Strategic points".
"Defense of the airport."
"Third Force in the war."
"The two most problematic regions of Donetsk and Luhansk are now led by generals."
"Ukrainian Railways made efforts to unite Donetsk and Crimea by train again."
"Volodymyr Putin celebrated his birthday this week."
"And practically before his birthday, Putin got a very anxious call from Ukrainian astrologers."
"Minister in the studio."
"Lustration Sieve"
"Guest in the studio is Pavlo Petrenko, Minister of Justice of Ukraine."
"Yanukovych ran away, but victims of his regime are still stuck behind the bars."
"Guest in the studio is Pavlo Petrenko, Minister of Justice of Ukraine."
"During the Yanukovych regime, the family practically built an alternative to the official government such as a system of so-called watchers."
"Guest in the studio is Pavlo Petrenko, Minister of Justice of Ukraine."
"How long is the war on the East going to last, when there will be peace. Part 1. "
"How long is the war on the East going to last, when there will be peace. Part 2. "
"Ukrainian and Russian officers, as we reported, involved separatists and still discuss the ways to ceasefire in Donbas."
"Ukrainian army is now preparing for a long winter defense."
"More money will be needed for the recovery of Ukrainian economy comparing to the expectations of International Monetary Fund."
"Before the elections, sociologists predict who will come to power in Ukraine."
"Two more weeks left before the main political battle."
«Inter», «Podrobnosti niedieli»(airs at 20:00)
"Today, Vladimir Putin ordered withdrawal of Russian troops."
"The President of Ukraine dismissed Minister of Defense Valeriy Heletey."
"Kikhtenko on the situation in Donetsk region."
"This week, those who defended Donetsk airport from separatists, returned home."
"Yuriy Khotlubey on the situation in Mariupol."
"Comments from the leading political forces on the project “Stina”.
"Ukraine will receive around 200 drones to patrol the border with Russia."
"Dialogue with Anatoliy Hrytsenko and Serhiy Tihipko."
"OSCE gives Ukraine drones to work in Donbas."
"Guest of the studio is Oleh Lyashko, leader of the Radical Party.
"In Washington, the heads of the National Bank of Ukraine and the Ministry of Finance agree on IMF loans."
"Guest of the studio is Oleh Lyashko, leader of the Radical Party.
"The situation on Ukraine’s currency market."
"Guest of the studio is Oleh Lyashko, leader of the Radical Party.
«Chas. Pidsymky Tyzhnia» (airs at 21:00)
“Military prosecutors hinted that battalion “Prykarpattya” can be made the only guilty one for Ilovaysk tragedy.
"For more than 10 months after the first massacre on Euromaidan, none of the high-profile cases has been solved."
"Immigration realities".
"Is there anyone to choose from on freed territories?"
"Candidates engaged in massive bribery of voters."
"Valeriy Heletey no longer manages the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine."
«Ukrayina”, «Sobytiya niedieli» (airs at 23:00)
"The Russian army leaves our territory."
"Sensation of this Sunday evening - Ukraine's defense minister resigned."
"Two weeks left before the elections of new Verkhovna Rada."
"Interview with the leader of the party “Hromadyanska Pozytsiya” Anatoliy Hrytsenko."
"The project “Stina".
"The heating season is another concern for the government."
"Interview with the leader of the Radical Party Oleh Lyashko."
"A dangerous precedent – the biggest regional channel of Dnipropetrovsk was cut off the air for almost two days."
"Master of the Kremlin turned 62".
Monitoring of compliance with professional standards in the information services of Ukrainian TV channels was carried by NGO "Telekritika" with financial support by USAID, provided through the "Internews Network". The purpose of monitoring is to increase media literacy of Ukrainian society, motivate media to be just and responsible, respect professional standards, and improve the quality of media products.
Monitoring is an independent expert assessment of the NGO "Telekritika." All conclusions and opinions expressed in all monitoring publications may not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the "Internews Network".