BBC dragged into Ukraine TV furore

5 Червня 2008
5 Червня 2008

BBC dragged into Ukraine TV furore

BBC dragged into Ukraine TV furore
A row has broken out in Ukraine over a local version of the BBC television show "Great Britons".

But now the editor of the show is crying foul. He says the vote was rigged in favour of an 11th-Century prince of Kievan Rus, to prevent a 20th-Century nationalist leader from taking the top slot.
Dozens of Ukrainian MPs have written to the BBC to ask it to investigate.
'Computer rigging'
The argument is being seen in terms of pro- and anti-Russian forces, in a country still deeply divided over its past and future.
After months of voting, on 16 May, TV viewers in Ukraine were finally told who they had voted for as their greatest ever citizen.
The winner was Yaroslav the Wise (983-1054), one of the great princes of Kievan Rus, an empire that straddled present-day Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. But did he really win?
Not according to the show's editor, Vakhtang Kipiani. He says on the final day of the project, there was a massive spike in the votes for Yaroslav.


Mr Kipiani thinks the vote was rigged. He said that he alerted his bosses to his suspicions, but that his warnings were ignored.
On Tuesday 77 MPs signed a letter addressed to BBC Director General Mark Thompson, asking the corporation to investigate the matter.
Mr Thomson's office is waiting for the letter to arrive before commenting.
Political motive
Ganna Bezliudna, who heads the Inter TV channel that ran the show, denied any suggestion of foul play.


Whatever the truth of the matter, Ms Bezliudna is certainly right about one thing: if you look hard enough, you can find a possible political motive behind almost everything that happens in Ukraine, even a seemingly innocuous television show.
In an island of calm amid the traffic of central Kiev stands the St Sophia Cathedral, with its green and gold onion domes and white walls.
It was built in 1037 by Yaroslav the Wise, and it is considered the oldest standing Orthodox cathedral in the Slavic world.
Andrei Kulikov, a local journalist, told me that, for most Ukrainians who grew up during Soviet times, Yaroslav the Wise symbolises the common bond between Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians.
And in that sense, this vote was less about the past, than about Ukraine's future.
Symbolic figure


And here is where the other figure in all of this comes into play: Stepan Bandera.
He is the man that Mr Kipiani says would have won, if the vote had not been "fixed".
Bandera was a Ukrainian nationalist, who fought a guerrilla war against both the Nazis and the Soviets, until he was killed by a KGB agent in Munich in 1959.
To many - especially in western Ukraine - he is a hero and a freedom fighter. But to others, Bandera was a terrorist, and a traitor to the Soviet motherland.
Celebrity endorsement
The 10 final contenders for the top slot each had a high-profile "advocate" - a Ukrainian celebrity whose job it was to persuade viewers to vote for their favoured candidate.
Mr Kipiani took on Stepan Bandera. The advocate for Yaroslav the Wise was a high-profile politician from Ukraine's main opposition party, the Party of the Regions.
During the presidential election of 2004 that led to the "Orange Revolution", the Kremlin favoured that party's candidate, Viktor Yanukovych.
His pro-Western opponent, Viktor Yushchenko, eventually won, but the country emerged politically divided, between East and West. Many see those same divisions at work in this TV contest.
Savik Shuster, who presented the "Great Ukrainians" show, admits that Stepan Bandera is a divisive figure in Ukraine. But he says, Bandera is also highly symbolic.
Pro-Western youths

Mr Shuster said that, despite not being crowned the winner, the very fact that Bandera came so close - the show put him in third place - is a victory of sorts for the pro-Western block, or anti-Russian block in Ukraine.
But not everyone is happy with that. The 77 angry MPs are awaiting a response from Mr Thomson before plotting their next move.
BBC Worldwide, the commercial arm of the BBC that licenses the "Great Britons" format around the world, has in the past said that, while they are happy to give advice on how to conduct a vote, they are not there to police it.
One thing seems clear: the battle to be named the greatest Ukrainian is not over yet.
Команда «Детектора медіа» понад 20 років виконує роль watchdog'a українських медіа. Ми аналізуємо якість контенту і спонукаємо медіагравців дотримуватися професійних та етичних стандартів. Щоб інформація, яку отримуєте ви, була правдивою та повною.

До 22-річчя з дня народження видання ми відновлюємо нашу Спільноту! Це коло активних людей, які хочуть та можуть фінансово підтримати наше видання, долучитися до генерування спільних ідей та отримувати більше ексклюзивної інформації про стан справ в українських медіа.

Мабуть, ще ніколи якісна журналістика не була такою важливою, як сьогодні.
У зв'язку зі зміною назви громадської організації «Телекритика» на «Детектор медіа» в 2016 році, в архівних матеріалах сайтів, видавцем яких є організація, назва також змінена
Gabriel Gatehouse, BBC News, Kyiv
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6071 дн. тому
передам зміст статті "двома словами": остаточного результату ще нема ;)
6073 дн. тому
A row has broken out in Great Britain over a local version of the INTER television show "Great Ukrainians". But now the editor of the show is crying foul. He says the vote was rigged in favour of an 11th-Century prince of newly built Anglo-Saxon state, to prevent a 20th-Century Northern Ireland nationalist leader from taking the top slot. Dozens of British MPs have written to the INTER to ask it to investigate.
6073 дн. тому
Цей матеріал вчора був озвучений українською мовою у вечірній програмі української служби ВВС. На сайті ввс.ua можна послухати той запис.
6074 дн. тому
моя твоя не понимай........перевод будет?
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