IREX відкриває вакансію на посаду Медіа Експерта

26 Вересня 2005
26 Вересня 2005

IREX відкриває вакансію на посаду Медіа Експерта

IREX відкриває вакансію на посаду Медіа Експерта
Починаючи з цього тижня, IREX відкриває вакансію на посаду Медіа Експерта. Як сказано у тексті відповідного оголошення, оскільки ця посада вимагає знання англійської мови, його текст також дається на англійській мові. Наводимо його повністю.

Position: IREX Media Expert; Location: Kyiv, Full Time; Start date: late October, 2005


Higher Education (Journalism major is preferable)

At least 5 years of practical experience in media sphere (Media outlet, NGO, Educational Institution)

Solid knowledge of regional media environment

Knowledge of key media tendencies in Ukraine

Strong analytics, organizational and time management skills are a must

A good command of Ukrainian, Russian and English languages, including writing skills;

Good communication (spoken and written) skills, including ability to draft a variety of reports and to articulate ideas in a clear, concise style;

Strong computer skills are mandatory (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access)

Ability to work under continuous pressure and meet deadlines;

Energetic optimistic approach to all possible problems;

Excellent strong intercultural interpersonal skills, (international experience is an asset)

Must be able to multi-task and maintain a calm, friendly demeanor under stressful situations

Willingness ability to conduct extensive business trips to different regions of Ukraine

Summary Job description:

work closely with the Print Media Advisor on all administrative issues of print journalism trainings,

coordinate program grants

conduct field visits to regularly project sites to keep abreast of activities,

implement analytical oversight of media situation on Ukraine and quarterly monitoring evaluations of IREX targeted newspapers;

We offer:

IREX (the International Research & Exchanges Board) is an international nonprofit organization specializing in education, independent media, Internet development, and civil society programs. Since its founding in 1968, IREX has supported over 20,000 students, scholars, policymakers, business leaders, journalists, and other professionals. IREX has provided support to independent journalists in Ukraine since 1995: it works to strengthen the current legal status of independent media, improve the professional journalism and business skills of media owners and employees through training and on-site consultations, and increase the resources and services available to independent media through indigenous media associations. Our competitive salaries are commensurate with the experience we are looking for. Our transparent recruitment process is also an instrument to widely disseminate the available opportunities and to tap the best expertise available in Ukraine

IREX offers competitive salaries, access to independent network of media experts and media outlets in Ukraine, solid benefits package, professional friendly working environment, cross-cultural experience, professional development opportunities.

All resumes and cover letters should be submitted in English to IREX attn: Svitlana Buko, IREX U-Media Administrative Manager, either via e-mail: or via fax (044) 458-44-43 by 5pm, September 30, 2005

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