Trump’s foreign aid freeze stranded independent media in Ukraine. Here's how you can help

Trump’s foreign aid freeze stranded independent media in Ukraine. Here's how you can help

29 Січня 2025

Trump’s foreign aid freeze stranded independent media in Ukraine. Here's how you can help

Olga Rudenko, «Kyiv Independent»
Trump’s 90-day freeze on U.S. aid has left independent Ukrainian media without critical funding — here’s how you can help.
Trump’s foreign aid freeze stranded independent media in Ukraine. Here's how you can help
Trump’s foreign aid freeze stranded independent media in Ukraine. Here's how you can help

Оригінал публікації на сайті «Kyiv Independent» за посиланням

It probably made sense on paper.

In his first week in office, U.S. President Donald Trump ordered a 90–day freeze on U.S. foreign aid to review whether the distribution aligned with his foreign policy. I can see how Trump supporters and his team might have considered it a reasonable move: A new president takes office with policies obviously different from his predecessor’s, and he wants to look around.

Now here’s what it means in practice.

Ukraine was among the many countries receiving the aid distributed through the U.S. Agency for International Development, or USAID. Since the full-scale war began in 2022, the agency has disbursed $30 billion in Ukraine, funding projects ranging from democracy support and humanitarian relief to local community development and key reforms.

This aid paid for bomb shelters in schools, modern hospital equipment, and materials for small farmers to support agriculture. It sponsored anti-disinformation campaigns and mental health programs. Wherever you went, you’d find good, change-making projects bearing the USAID logo. If I were an American taxpayer, I’d feel proud.

Then, it all stopped — overnight.

A few days ago, after Trump’s order, Ukrainian organizations receiving U.S. aid received letters telling them to “immediately stop all activities” and “not incur any new costs.” This effectively froze their operations, even halting the use of already disbursed funds sitting in their accounts. Everything came to a stop.

One of the hard-hit sectors — and the one I know best — is independent media. For years, foreign government grants have been the lifeblood of Ukraine’s independent media. This stems from a simple reality: Ukraine is a young democracy, and its independent media emerged during a time when technology disrupted traditional funding models.

"For years, foreign government grants have been the lifeblood of Ukraine’s independent media."

In wealthier economies, newspapers have faced a choice: gradually decline or adapt with digital subscriptions. Even then, it’s an uphill battle — while the New York Times has turned a profit, the Washington Post has not.

In Ukraine, independent media never had the opportunity to develop and adapt. The market has been merciless, and independent outlets have faced stiff competition from oligarch-owned media — lavishly funded but designed to serve their owners’ interests rather than the public good. And yet Ukraine can't afford to not have independent media. Watchdog journalism is essential for holding those in power accountable. It’s a cornerstone of any democracy, whether in Ukraine or the United States.  

This is where foreign aid stepped in. For years, grants from foreign governments have sustained independent newsrooms in Ukraine, allowing them to provide their communities with accurate information in the age of propaganda and disinformation.

This funding isn’t used on extravagances. It covers journalists’ salaries — modest to the point of being unthinkable by U.S. standards. The annual budget of a regional online newspaper can be less than $200,000, yet these outlets are often the lifeline of their communities and the only dependable source of local news.

A press conference in Kyiv, Ukraine, on Oct. 8, 2022. (Ed Ram / Getty Images)

Here in Kyiv, these grants have supported investigative journalism teams that exposed high-level corruption, dismantling schemes worth millions of dollars. I often hear that investigative journalism offers the highest return on investment — and this is exactly what that means.

It’s understandable to be wary of foreign money funding Ukrainian journalism, but there’s no hidden agenda behind it. It’s not about controlling the media or pushing specific narratives — that is more common for domestic actors. Organizations providing foreign grants don’t tell the media what to write or order journalists to support or attack particular policies or figures. That’s what local oligarchs do.

Foreign funding empowers journalists in markets like Ukraine’s to carry out meaningful work that truly impacts their communities. The sudden freeze of U.S. aid has caused harm to independent Ukrainian journalism on par with the COVID-19 pandemic and the onset of Russia’s full-scale war. If not renewed soon, its impact can surpass both in severity.

"The sudden freeze of U.S. aid has caused harm to independent Ukrainian journalism on par with the COVID-19 pandemic and the onset of Russia’s full-scale war."

The Kyiv Independent was not impacted by the U.S. aid freeze, as we do not receive grants funded by U.S. taxpayers. Thanks to our strong community of 14,000 members, we remained secure. However, we did receive such grants in 2022 and 2023 while we were still growing our community. They were instrumental in giving us the runway to become sustainable. These grants came with no editorial restrictions and only bolstered our journalism.

But around us, other Ukrainian media have been severely affected. Many were forced to stop most of their operations immediately, as demanded by aid distributors. Many are uncertain whether funding will resume once the 90-day freeze ends. If Trump’s team only greenlights funding that aligns with his foreign policy, will independent media in Ukraine make the cut? No one knows.

But here’s what we know for certain: A healthy society cannot exist without free media. A functional democracy depends on it. And in a world increasingly plagued by disinformation, genuine journalism is more essential than ever.

There is something you can do. You can donate to Ukrainian media impacted by the freeze on U.S. aid. Here are several organizations we know well and how to support them. This is not an exhaustive list — we encourage you to support any independent Ukrainian media of your choice.

Tsukr is an independent local media outlet in Sumy, northern Ukraine, just over 28 kilometers (18 miles) from the Russian border and frequently targeted by Russian attacks. Despite these challenges, the team remains a vital source of information and inspiration for their community. The U.S. aid freeze cut about 60% of their funding. You can support them through a one-time donation or a Patreon subscription.

Gwara Media is an independent local news site in Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second largest city, located near the Russian border and frequently battered by attacks. Due to its proximity to Russia, missiles often hit the city before air raid alerts sound. The resilience of this team mirrors that of their city. You can support them via PayPal or Buy Me a Coffee.

Bihus.Info is an investigative journalism platform dedicated to uncovering corruption, responsible for some of the most groundbreaking investigations in modern Ukrainian history. Since 2022, they have also been publishing front-line video reports. You can support them through Patreon or by clicking “Join” on their YouTube channel.

Ukrainska Pravda is Ukraine's largest independent news site. It's known for its hard-hitting political reporting and investigative journalism. It has recently said it was facing "systematic pressure" from Ukraine's authorities over their critical coverage. Owned by Dragon Capital, a large investment firm, they abide by the principles of editorial independence. They can be supported with a one-time donation or a Patreon subscription.

Ukrainer is a platform that shares stories about Ukraine's culture, history, and society, offering unique content in multiple languages and largely run by volunteers. Since Russia’s full-scale invasion in 2022, it has focused on documenting Ukraine’s resilience, resistance, and humanitarian efforts. You can click here to support them through Patreon, Buy Me a Coffee, or make one-time donations through the Ukrainian payment system Liqpay.

Olga Rudenko, Chief Editor of the Kyiv Independent

Команда «Детектора медіа» понад 20 років виконує роль watchdog'a українських медіа. Ми аналізуємо якість контенту і спонукаємо медіагравців дотримуватися професійних та етичних стандартів. Щоб інформація, яку отримуєте ви, була правдивою та повною.

До 22-річчя з дня народження видання ми відновлюємо нашу Спільноту! Це коло активних людей, які хочуть та можуть фінансово підтримати наше видання, долучитися до генерування спільних ідей та отримувати більше ексклюзивної інформації про стан справ в українських медіа.

Мабуть, ще ніколи якісна журналістика не була такою важливою, як сьогодні.
Olga Rudenko, «Kyiv Independent»
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