Ukrainian analyst: Russia, a global threat that expands beyond Ukraine and the Balkans

Ukrainian analyst: Russia, a global threat that expands beyond Ukraine and the Balkans

13 Вересня 2024
13 Вересня 2024

Ukrainian analyst: Russia, a global threat that expands beyond Ukraine and the Balkans

«The Geopost»
Russia is a threat not only to Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, the Eastern Partnership countries, but also to the European Union and the Western Balkans as well, says Ukrainian analyst (Detector Media), Yehor Brailian.
Ukrainian analyst: Russia, a global threat that expands beyond Ukraine and the Balkans
Ukrainian analyst: Russia, a global threat that expands beyond Ukraine and the Balkans

Оригінал публікації на сайті The Geopost за посиланням

He also talks about Russian propaganda, which he says is very active in the Balkan countries, while adding that Telegram is actually the main source of Russian disinformation in Ukraine, and not only.

“We can talk about the Telegram channels in Serbia, we can talk about the influence of the Orthodox Church in Montenegro, in Serbia, in Bulgaria,” he says.

In the analysis of disinformation and propaganda, one of the main narratives that emerges is that related to mobilization, where various media platforms, such as Russian and pro-Russian Telegram channels, are sharing videos showing the forced mobilization of Ukrainians by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, presenting it in a bad light.

“This portrayal is intended to undermine mobilization efforts within the country, while also spreading messages suggesting that Ukraine will end up in a state of complete chaos, without electricity, gas or water, returning the country to a primitive era.” says the Ukrainian media analyst.

He criticizes the West for a lack of political will to eliminate the Russian threat.

“We see the lack of political will in Brussels, in Washington, in Western capitals to eliminate the Russian threat. Ukrainians are fighting for the freedom of Europe, but you know, like all people, we are getting tired and people are moving from Ukraine to other countries and they start their new life there”, he emphasizes.

Full interview:

The Geopost: What is current situation in Ukraine?

Russia continues its terror attack against the civil infrastructure, against energy system of Ukraine, and Russia is waging its genocidal war against Ukraine. The West is still cautious regarding giving the permission to use their weapons inside Russia, and people are tired, people want to see the clear vision of Ukraine’s victory from Ukrainian government. At the same time, civil society organizations are active in the advocacy and we are here at the GLOBSEC Forum and there are a lot of representatives of Ukrainian civil society who talk with NATO officials, EU Officials, and we have like three to seven hours electricity in Ukrainian cities. And we can say that we have some type of blackouts.

Why Russia is destroying Ukraine’s energy infrastructure? They want to have such public opinion inside Ukraine towards negotiations, like, let’s make any peace deal, any peace agreement, and they will be better than having blackouts on a daily basis. It’s logic of Russia and we still have a big problem in explaining why Russia is a threat not only for Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Eastern Partnership countries but also for NATO-EU countries and the western Balkans as well. The Russian propaganda is very active in the Balkan countries, we can talk about telegram channels in Serbia, we can talk about the impact of Orthodox Church in Montenegro, in Serbia, in Bulgaria. So, it’s not gone and we see the lack of political will in Brussels, in Washington, in the Western capitals in order to eliminate the Russian threat.

Ukrainians are fighting for Europe’s freedom, but you know, as all people, we are getting tired and people are moving from Ukraine to other countries and they start their new life there.

The Geopost: What are the topics of disinformation coming Russia, what is the biggest narrative?

One of the biggest narratives is about mobilization. Russian and pro-Russian Telegram Channels, they are publishing videos with forceful mobilization of Ukrainians by Ukrainian armed forces and they portray it in a bad manner, so their main goal is to undermine mobilization efforts, and at the same time to say that they will bring Ukraine back to the Paleolithic times like without any facilities, electricity, gas, water.

Russians are very honest in their intentions towards Ukrainians. They write it very openly in the comment section of telegram channels. And right now, we have a big discussion what to do with telegram and Ukrainian officials want to make it illegal to have an official channel of communications on telegram and at the same time maybe to ban telegram in Ukraine because telegram is actually the main source of Russian disinformation in Ukraine but not only Ukraine. There are telegram channels in Spanish language and also there are telegram channels in Poland. Telegram is popular in the Balkan countries. So, you know, Russian propaganda has its traditional narratives like Ukrainians are allegedly neo-Nazi, Ukrainians are stealing gas from Europe, but Russians are adapting their propaganda and their main goal remains the same, is to divide the European societies, is to exaggerate divisions about migration, about support of Ukraine, about other topics of discussion inside the EU countries, and not all Ukrainians are aware of this disinformation threat. Because Telegram is highly popular in Ukraine and more than 60% of Ukrainians get the news from Telegram.

Команда «Детектора медіа» понад 20 років виконує роль watchdog'a українських медіа. Ми аналізуємо якість контенту і спонукаємо медіагравців дотримуватися професійних та етичних стандартів. Щоб інформація, яку отримуєте ви, була правдивою та повною.

До 22-річчя з дня народження видання ми відновлюємо нашу Спільноту! Це коло активних людей, які хочуть та можуть фінансово підтримати наше видання, долучитися до генерування спільних ідей та отримувати більше ексклюзивної інформації про стан справ в українських медіа.

Мабуть, ще ніколи якісна журналістика не була такою важливою, як сьогодні.
«The Geopost»
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